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Why a business development forecast is needed
He began to do business at the university. The scholarship was not enough, so I was spinning to earn at least some money. I have never worked for an uncle and am proud of it. I achieved everything myself. Over 20 years, much has been achieved. At first, the business developed well. He earned money, resolved his questions. Everything went perfectly, so I didn’t even think about starting another business.
But lately there is a sense of doom. It seems that a little more and the business will have to close. I do not know what to do. If I close my business, I’ll actually be left without income. Is it possible to somehow determine at least in general terms what to expect from the business in the future? Is it possible to build a forecast for business development at least 5-10 years in advance? Can I find out how much is left for my business? Continue reading
The most effective protection against competitors
The prospects for the near future are not very bright for most companies, because the only option to survive in the modern competitive world is to constantly attack. The best defense against competitors is attack, attack marketing, active marketing. If you do not attack, they attack you. The most advanced players in all world markets know this and actively apply marketing.
At the same time, they have achieved great success, so they are quite experienced “fighters”. Our markets are very attractive for them, including due to the small experience of local companies, so sooner or later any company may fall under their attack. Local companies are mostly inexperienced in order to attack themselves. Continue reading
Modern market opportunity analysis
If there are few customers or the business has stalled, then it is time to conduct an analysis of market opportunities. It is also necessary because sooner or later the company is faced with the fact that it has nowhere to grow in the market in which it operates. This happens for various reasons, but, as a rule, because the market is saturated and cannot absorb more goods or services.
Market opportunity analysis
The logical question is how and where to better develop and move. To look for ways of development – this is the analysis of market opportunities. For example, the market for conventional cameras began to stagnate, but the camera market for mobile phones began to develop rapidly. Camera manufacturers simply had to move to a new market in order to stay afloat. Continue reading