Powerful competitor study technique
Studying competitors is a vital necessity. There are many sayings on this score: “I would have known the ransom, I would have lived in Sochi”, “I would have known where…

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How to build the most powerful business
A strong business brings money and joy, a weak business brings problems and stress. A strong business has a good reputation, attracts customers, and scares competitors. A weak business has…

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Find out the main secret of a successful business.
How to become a successful businessman? All that needs to be done for success is to get saturated with the idea of ​​business, to plunge into it with your head.…

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transferring what one does

How to establish export to rich countries

The strategy of exporting to rich countries is a clear answer to the question of how to sell to such regions and countries as Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, China and some others. An effective export strategy is always based on knowledge of the mentality of the country or region with which it is planned to work. Without this, failure will happen.

Rich Country Export Strategy

What is the basic difference between West and East? The East is a generally scarce place where everything is lacking. This forms a deficit mentality that defines consumer habits, the concept of business and life in general, and the same economy. A businessman with an oriental mentality looks at the world with scarce eyes, he thinks that everything and everyone is missing. Continue reading

How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit are changing following a change in the economic level. We are currently moving from a fourth economic level to a fifth. Accordingly, very soon only…


Effective Ways to Increase Profits
There are a million tips on how to increase profits. However, despite this, up to 95% of businesses operate with minimal profit or even loss. The bottom line is that…


The right start of your own business
The right start to your own business is to find a promising idea. A good idea is a guarantee of a successful business. Most businesses go bankrupt in the first…
