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Mega-effective business control system

Many businessmen, having discovered a legal entity, begin to believe that they now have their own business. Satisfied, they rub their hands from the understanding that they will now work for themselves, and not for their uncle. The desire to work for yourself and not for uncle is a good desire, it must be encouraged. The more people who take responsibility, the better. However, there are nuances.

From a legal point of view, the business really belongs to newly-minted businessmen, and they really work for themselves. But the legal point of view is not the only one. There are other points of view. For example, one of them is practical. From a practical point of view, a business legally owned by a businessman is not always 100% owned by him in fact.

A businessman opens a business in order to realize some of his ideas. But the bottom line is that very often the ideas of not only the person who created it, but also other people who very often are the opposite of the ideas of the business are realized within the business framework. How does this look in practice? A businessman after creating a business takes people to work. In his opinion, these people should help him realize his idea underlying the business.

Why do I need a business control system

Realization of an idea brings money. Then everyone receives a share of this money, depending on the contribution to their generation. But in fact, very often people are hired by companies and begin to implement their personal ideas within it. Of course, some ideas are a plus for business, but very many harm it. Eric Burn wrote about this in detail in his works People Who Play Games and Games People Play.

Some use the business as a place for parties, some use the business to find a husband or wife

The bottom line is that people begin to play their games in order to realize their ideas at the expense of someone else’s business. In short, some use the business to surf the Internet. Some use the business as a place for parties, some use the business to find a husband or wife. There are people who use the business in order to have someone to chat with. Very often someone else’s business is used to earn “left money”.

It is clear that he suffers from the implementation of ideas that are not related to business. Accordingly, the question arises that a business control system is needed that ideally will not allow the implementation of other ideas besides the one that underlies the business or at least minimize their number. To solve the problem, you can introduce a tough, authoritarian management style.

The second option is to hire warders who will stand over the soul and control every step of each employee. Another option is hard recruiting, aimed at selecting only those people who will realize the idea of ​​business. All these methods have their pros and cons. Each of these pros and cons are known. The main conclusion is that there are more minuses than pluses.

An ideal business control system is not when everything is perfect, but when control is built on the most basic, primary level – ideal

Therefore, these methods are almost never used. We need a tool that has more pros than cons. Is there such a tool? Such a tool is in noomarketing, and it is called the business legram. Thegram allows you to build the perfect business control system. An ideal business control system is not when everything is perfect, but when control is built on the most basic, primary level – ideal.

As mentioned above, any business basically has some kind of idea. The business itself is a system that allows it to be implemented. Business is actually a tool for implementing an idea. The growth and development of the business are the consequences of increasing the distribution area of ​​the idea and increasing the strength of the idea itself. The more developed the idea, the more people introduced it, the larger the business is needed, as a combination of people, equipment, technology, real estate and other resources to service it.

At its core, a business is an operator that organizes the development of an idea. For this reason, many people come to the business to use its resources to develop their personal ideas. From the development of personal ideas of employees, a business makes profit only if these ideas coincide with the idea that underlies the business. In this case, we can talk about the synchronization of workers and business.

For synchronization to take place, workers need to pump the idea that underlies the business

Workers and the business as a whole work for a common idea, develop it, promote, implement and as a result, everyone gets his share of earnings. When ideas do not coincide, in this case we can talk about the lack of synchronization. This means that everyone works for himself, and it interferes with both business and others. It is clear that in such circumstances, the business is not able to generate money.

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Mega-effective business control system
Many businessmen, having discovered a legal entity, begin to believe that they now have their own business. Satisfied, they rub their hands from the understanding that they will now work…


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