The basic principle of the invisible hand of the market
The invisible hand of the market can influence the decisions that buyers and sellers make. She has a voice in any transaction and can give it to both the seller…

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The basic principle of the invisible hand of the market
The invisible hand of the market can influence the decisions that buyers and sellers make. She has a voice in any transaction and can give it to both the seller…

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Effective Ways to Increase Profits
There are a million tips on how to increase profits. However, despite this, up to 95% of businesses operate with minimal profit or even loss. The bottom line is that…

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businessman after creating

Mega-effective business control system

Many businessmen, having discovered a legal entity, begin to believe that they now have their own business. Satisfied, they rub their hands from the understanding that they will now work for themselves, and not for their uncle. The desire to work for yourself and not for uncle is a good desire, it must be encouraged. The more people who take responsibility, the better. However, there are nuances.

From a legal point of view, the business really belongs to newly-minted businessmen, and they really work for themselves. But the legal point of view is not the only one. There are other points of view. For example, one of them is practical. From a practical point of view, a business legally owned by a businessman is not always 100% owned by him in fact. Continue reading

Effective dealer network development
The development of a dealer network is necessary because dealers help sell. The more of them, the higher the sale. Therefore, the development of a dealer network for a company…


How to start a profitable business
To start a profitable business in modern conditions, you need to know some important points. The bottom line is that times have changed and now the business does not start…


Ticket to the post-industrial economy
Several types of economies are known, and one of them is post-industrial. The transition to a postindustrial economy is one of our possible prospects if suitable conditions arise for this.…
