The oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war between Russia and Belarus. Due to the fact that we are talking about about 5…

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Is marketing necessary or not for business? Needed!

Is there any benefit from marketing for business or not? Is it worth trying marketing or not. Is marketing necessary or not for business? Sooner or later, any businessman asks these questions, especially often such questions arise when business problems begin. World market leaders such as Apple, BMW, Google, know the answers to these questions, and therefore become leaders, as evidenced by, for example, analysis of the Apple brand.

Whether or not marketing is needed for the business

The answers to these questions are always different, but not always unambiguous. Very often, a businessman cannot find answers to these questions at all, because, trying to find the answer, he receives more and more new questions that seem endless. As a result, some businessmen do not use marketing at all, or rather they don’t use it, because they cannot fully understand the role of marketing in business. Some businessmen try marketing, but are disappointed in it and stop using it, or rather think that they are no longer using it.

The correct answer to the questions above, especially the question of whether or not marketing is necessary for the business, is that in fact, everyone, absolutely all businessmen are engaged in marketing, even if they think that they are not doing it. Why is that? Yes, because marketing is the algorithm of a successful business. To understand this, just read articles about business and marketing.

For example, when a businessman opens a new restaurant, he thinks about the prices that will be on the menu. He does not set any price he invented; he sets the market price, i.e. the price that a restaurant visitor is willing to pay. If this is usually a restaurant, then a price is set that is about the same as that of competitors, because if you set a different price, then visitors will go to the competitor.

If an exclusive restaurant, then an exclusive price is set. Prudent pricing is pricing, and pricing is marketing. Accordingly, marketing plays a key role in business. In turn, the totality of businesses is the economy, which means that the role of marketing in the economy is also key.

Marketing is such an interesting thing that it’s not clear when it is and when it is not.

You can take another example: a businessman decides to open a beauty salon. The question of whether or not marketing is needed for a business is hardly initially posed, just as the question of whether this business is possible without marketing is hardly possible, because there are many other questions. In particular, in order to open a beauty salon, one must choose the set of services that this beauty salon will provide. A competent businessman will not do this by eye, because you can burn out.

In order not to burn out, he will talk with those who visit beauty salons and find out what services they really use and to what extent. Then he will analyze the sites of future competitors for what services they provide. Only after the businessman does this, he will decide on the range of services, which means, perhaps without knowing it, he applied marketing, because the choice of assortment is marketing.

Marketing is generally such an interesting thing that it is not clear when it is and when it is not. Take a business like a car service. A car service has clients, like, in general, any other business. Customers are different. There are completely strangers and such customers are assigned the maximum price. But there are also familiar people who are often offered a lower price by acquaintance. In turn, there are very good friends, friends and relatives.

Such customers are usually offered the lowest price. But if you please, dividing customers by characteristics and offering them different prices in this regard is nothing more than market segmentation. Market segmentation is one of the main marketing tools. Thus, whenever a businessman divides customers into different segments, he is actually engaged in marketing.

There are many examples and there is always a place for marketing in these examples. Accordingly, absolutely all businessmen use marketing, though sometimes they themselves do not know it. This means that the question of whether or not marketing is needed for the business, in fact, is transformed into the question of how much marketing is needed by the business and the question of how to organize the most effective interaction between marketing and sales.

These are very important questions, because marketing is the technology of a business, a successful business. The more marketing in the business, the greater the result from the business. The better the pricing policy is worked out, the more money you can earn. The better the assortment is developed, the more money will be earned. The better you can segment customers, the more money you can earn.

The oil war as a marketing factor
The most significant event of 2010 in the post-Soviet space was the next oil war between Russia and Belarus. Due to the fact that we are talking about about 5…


Professional marketing as a guarantee of success
Professional marketing is a tool for business development and growth. In turn, amateur self-marketing is a factor that significantly slows down trade, reduces the level of sales by 10, and…


Marketing research without the expense of money
Free marketing research is a reality accessible to everyone. The importance of marketing research is that it is the main source of complete and objective market information. You can rely…
