effective protection

Ways to improve business performance
Working as the most accurate watch and generating money in unlimited quantities, a business is the dream of all businessmen. This dream is realized only among those businessmen who are…

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How to find sources of profit
The main sources of profit are changing following a change in the economic level. We are currently moving from a fourth economic level to a fifth. Accordingly, very soon only…

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The basic principle of the invisible hand of the market
The invisible hand of the market can influence the decisions that buyers and sellers make. She has a voice in any transaction and can give it to both the seller…

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Effective ways to promote a business

Once your company was not there, but then it appeared and business promotion began. Then, at the initial stage, when it was most difficult for you, nobody knew about the company except you. We can say that for others it did not exist. She was only for you. It was difficult for you, you needed partners, customers, employees. But you didn’t have them, because nobody knew about you.

Promotion of business from professionals

Then you started active work and found out about your company. At first, few people knew about it, then more, then even more. Each of those who met with the company made a definite impression about it. You yourself are familiar with the company. We are familiar with its history, with its capabilities. For you, she is her own, dear, the best. The company makes a good impression on you. Continue reading

Creative method of generating ideas

A good idea is very much appreciated, but the problem is that it is hard to get. There is a creative method for generating ideas that allows you to put their generation on stream. With it, you can get quality ideas. High-quality ideas give better results, low-quality ideas give low results, and sometimes do not give them at all.

The method of generating ideas from professionals

This makes it necessary to approach the generation of ideas very responsibly, because only such an approach will give real results. Such an approach can be implemented only if an effective method of generating ideas is applied. In noomarketing, different methods are used to generate ideas and one of them is nootechnology, which has the name “LOGY”. Continue reading

Why a business development forecast is needed

He began to do business at the university. The scholarship was not enough, so I was spinning to earn at least some money. I have never worked for an uncle and am proud of it. I achieved everything myself. Over 20 years, much has been achieved. At first, the business developed well. He earned money, resolved his questions. Everything went perfectly, so I didn’t even think about starting another business.

But lately there is a sense of doom. It seems that a little more and the business will have to close. I do not know what to do. If I close my business, I’ll actually be left without income. Is it possible to somehow determine at least in general terms what to expect from the business in the future? Is it possible to build a forecast for business development at least 5-10 years in advance? Can I find out how much is left for my business? Continue reading

Marketing as a cause of the global crisis

Alexey Kudrin, Ilmar Rimsevich, Stanley Fisher, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Filat, George Soros. What do you think is common between all these people? No, this is not the six leaders on the Forbes list. All these people are united by talk about what is the cause of the global crisis. They agree that the crisis is a reality and try to understand how to get out of it.

Marketing as a cause of the global crisis

The answer to the question is known. The main cause of the global crisis is marketing. In general, few people see marketing as the cause of the crisis, but it was he who caused it. How? Everything is very simple. Continue reading

The most effective protection against competitors

The prospects for the near future are not very bright for most companies, because the only option to survive in the modern competitive world is to constantly attack. The best defense against competitors is attack, attack marketing, active marketing. If you do not attack, they attack you. The most advanced players in all world markets know this and actively apply marketing.

At the same time, they have achieved great success, so they are quite experienced “fighters”. Our markets are very attractive for them, including due to the small experience of local companies, so sooner or later any company may fall under their attack. Local companies are mostly inexperienced in order to attack themselves. Continue reading

Where guaranteed to take a lot of money
One of the questions that a person most often asks himself is where to get a lot of money. All 100% of adults in all countries of the world ask…


Research as a way to get rid of competitors
New ideas are very valuable information, because for their implementation you need new products. Anyone who finds out about new ideas earlier than others can create the goods necessary for…


Modern market opportunity analysis
If there are few customers or the business has stalled, then it is time to conduct an analysis of market opportunities. It is also necessary because sooner or later the…
