Professional business optimization
Business optimization allows you to configure it in such a way that it brings maximum money, responds well to the ideas and actions of the businessman and can absorb the…

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How to build the most powerful business
A strong business brings money and joy, a weak business brings problems and stress. A strong business has a good reputation, attracts customers, and scares competitors. A weak business has…

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Innovation as a profit generator
At all times, innovative business development has brought maximum profits. If you study the history of business, it becomes obvious that the greatest profit was brought by businesses, the essence…

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because the choice

Is marketing necessary or not for business? Needed!

Is there any benefit from marketing for business or not? Is it worth trying marketing or not. Is marketing necessary or not for business? Sooner or later, any businessman asks these questions, especially often such questions arise when business problems begin. World market leaders such as Apple, BMW, Google, know the answers to these questions, and therefore become leaders, as evidenced by, for example, analysis of the Apple brand.

Whether or not marketing is needed for the business

The answers to these questions are always different, but not always unambiguous. Very often, a businessman cannot find answers to these questions at all, because, trying to find the answer, he receives more and more new questions that seem endless. As a result, some businessmen do not use marketing at all, or rather they don’t use it, because they cannot fully understand the role of marketing in business. Continue reading

Marketing as a cause of the global crisis
Alexey Kudrin, Ilmar Rimsevich, Stanley Fisher, Dmitry Medvedev, Vladimir Filat, George Soros. What do you think is common between all these people? No, this is not the six leaders on…


Professional marketing as a guarantee of success
Professional marketing is a tool for business development and growth. In turn, amateur self-marketing is a factor that significantly slows down trade, reduces the level of sales by 10, and…


10 main reasons for low profits
Many companies have low profits, are on the verge of bankruptcy and are waiting for a miracle. For some, this has even become the norm. This happens for years, sometimes…
